

Breastfeeding is a controversial aspect of parenting. Humans had been feeding their babies with breast milk for quite a long time. This situation changed when new specialized foods for babies, such as baby formula, were introduced. These nutriments have been quite useful since many children who could not be breastfed have access to them now. Even though this impact has improved mothers and babies to a large extent in general, there have been some disadvantages as well. Infant formula, though quite nutritious when there is no access to breast milk, cannot replace breast milk. Breast milk, having been developed through evolution, is the perfect nourishment for babies. As a form of nourishment, breast milk contains all the vitamins (such as vitamin D) and fat that a baby needs to grow. There are still more advantages that a baby takes from breast milk, such as the protection that it gives to babies. This article will regard breastfeeding, its advantages and disadvantages, and finally its necessity throughout the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Advantages of Breastfeeding

✓ Breastfeeding not only is beneficial to the baby but also to the mother. Mothers who breastfeed their babies after childbirth lose less blood in comparison to the mothers who do not. Breastfeeding can decrease the possibility of breast cancer in long run.

✓ Apart from balanced and complete nutrition, breast milk carries the mother’s antibodies, which results in strong protection in the baby’s body. Your baby will be infected much less frequently when you breastfeed him.

✓ Having your baby breastfed decreases the total expenses. You may spend that amount of money on other aspects of the baby’s life such as education and insurances.

The Disadvantages of Breastfeeding

✓ Breastfeeding does not sound and is not an easy task to do. A mother has to take longer maternity leaves, stay awake long hours, and wake up continually during the night. The first months that are the most necessary month tend to be the most difficult month as you have to wake up more frequently.

✓ In developed countries such as Canada, with wide access to food, a large number of people are allergic to foods. This starts from babyhood and in some cases can threaten a baby’s life. Mothers who breastfeed their babies cannot eat the food that their babies are allergic to.

✓ A healthy lifestyle is good for everyone, but once you start breastfeeding a baby, it is no longer a choice, but it is an obligation. As nutrients and antibodies are transmitted through breast milk and protect the baby, harmful particles will be transmitted as well. This means you cannot drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or use drugs as long as you breastfeed your baby.

How to Breastfeed a Baby

To breastfeed your baby, you should know enough about breastfeeding, since it is crucial to do it properly. Some technics will ensure your baby’s safety and adequate nutrition. You should be watchful about how your baby’s position is, while he is breastfeeding. Both you and your baby should be comfortable enough so that you can keep the baby in a steady position. This helps the baby to suck the milk easier and in a vaster quantity. To find your way, you can breastfeed the baby in a different position and analyze the baby’s reaction, or ask your doctor’s help. You should also be careful of the baby’s body while sucking milk. You have to support the baby mostly by the shoulder but the head should be free to move to some extent. A free movement helps the baby find the easier position for himself. A breastfeeding pillow (also called a nursing pillow) is a good choice that can help you with finding the right place for your baby. A nursing pillow also decreases the chance of babies falling.

You should not force your baby to drink milk. There are certain signs that a baby shows when he wants to feed. These signs include sucking things including their hands or fingers, moving from one side to another. If they are not fed after showing these signs, they will be in distress and will cry.

To feed babies with breast milk, you should keep them at a distance that they can breathe comfortably and drink the milk easily. To measure this distance, the baby’s nose should not touch the breast while they suck. They should be close enough to be able to suck areola (the part of the breast surrounding the nipples) but not the nipples.

Breastfeeding Throughout Coronavirus Pandemic

Many people have been concerned about the transmission of coronavirus while mothers are breastfeeding their babies. WHO recommends that: “ mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should be encouraged to initiate or continue to breastfeed. Mothers should be counseled that the benefits of breastfeeding substantially outweigh the potential risks for transmission”. It is strongly recommended to breastfeed your baby throughout the pandemic, even though you might transmit the virus to your baby if you are tested positive for Covid-19.  Here are the motives for considering breastfeeding even when you are infected with Covid-19:

✓ Babies might not find an appropriate replacement for breastfeeding during the time they are away from their mothers.

✓ Babies’ immune system is much more flexible towards the new diseases, as it is developing rapidly. This means that a baby is much safer than an adult when it comes to an infectious disease such as Coronavirus.

✓ Your body will produce antibodies, a short while after detecting the viruses. These antibodies will be transmitted through breast milk and strengthen your baby’s immune system against Coronavirus.

✓ One of the most important parental responsibilities, especially on the first days after the birth is to make skin-to-skin contact with the baby. Skin-to-skin care (or Kangaroo Care) is believed to have numerous impacts on both mothers and babies. The benefits include reducing anxiety for parents and better nutrition, sleep, and temperature regulation for babies. If you are away from your baby you will miss the chance of making Kangaroo Care. Make sure your partner or a caregiver will help your baby if you cannot be with your child due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Final word

Keep in mind that breastfeeding has both advantages and disadvantages. Breastfeeding is quite helpful for your baby, especially during the first six months, but this does not mean you are obliged to breastfeed. As one can have different conditions, make sure to contact your doctor before making your decision.



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