Eye Care for Seniors

Eye Care for Seniors

Eye care for seniors has an undeniable importance in senior care as an eye disease can cause significant problems. According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists : “1 in 9 Canadians develop irreversible vision loss by age 65, and 1 in 4 Canadians develop irreversible vision loss by age 75”. These diseases can disrupt the daily life of the elderly and cause them anxiety. Despite the troubles that vision problems in seniors can cause, a regular check-up (or examination) can guarantee eye health to a high extent. A Regular eye examination will help the ophthalmologist diagnose eye diseases when they still can be cured and have not caused the following diseases. As a result, elderly personal assistants have to be familiar with common eye diseases, as the elderly tend to suffer from certain eye diseases more. For more info on our services regarding personal assistant for the elderly click here.
Although there are numerous eye diseases that the elderly might face during elderly care, some of them are more common. These diseases such as Cataract, Macular degeneration, and Glaucoma, though threatening, can be diagnosed and treated.
To diagnose eye diseases, one has to go through a set of eye examinations. Many eye care centers in Greater Toronto area and generally across Canada can help you with eye examinations.


One of the most common eye diseases that a personal assistant for the elderly might see (have to deal with) is Cataract. Cataract happens when the lens in the eye becomes blurry and unclear so that it affects your vision. The development of cataracts is gradual and may take up to a few years.
Different stages of Cataracts are treated differently. At the early stages, a new pair of glasses and well-lit places might be the only things that you need for elderly care. As time passes and the eye disease develops, further treatments like surgery are necessary.
As you know an important part of eye care for seniors is prevention. Cataracts may eventually happen and there is no certain prevention, since even the causes are different and sometimes, unknown. The most effective thing that one can do is to avoid things that may cause or worsen this condition. Smoking is known to be an stimulating cause of Cataract, like many other eye diseases. The elderly also have to avoid drinking alcohol. Wearing sunglasses for UV protection will also be of help since the harmful sunrays will not worsen the condition. These recommendations will help to improve general health as well.
Vision problems in seniors including Cataract cannot be detected properly without a doctor’s help. Do not forget to refer the elders to ophthalmologists for diagnosis.


Another common vision problem in seniors that you have to be familiar with in eye care for seniors is glaucoma. Glaucoma is very threatening since it can lead to blindness and it does not show significant symptoms until it is very late. Glaucoma is an eye disease in which the fluids in the eyes cannot get out properly. These fluids then cause a higher pressure inside your eyes, which causes damages to the optic nerves. These damages are permanent and treating glaucoma, even though stops the development of the disease, does not undo them. To prevent glaucoma, as it does not show symptoms, one has to visit an ophthalmologist regularly. Constant contact with a doctor matters a lot in eye care for seniors, as the eye pressure is not stable and the doctor has to check it several times.
Preventing glaucoma is quite like that of a cataract. An important point in eye care for seniors is knowing that many diseases have genetic roots. Apart from genetics, you have to protect your eyes through your daily life as even minor eye damages may increase the risk of getting glaucoma.
In general, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, besides taking the mentioned precautions will help you and the elderly a lot through senior care.

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